#SomosElMuro is a satirical action created collaboratively in 2017 an Artivism & Humor Lab organized by the Hemispheric Institute in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México, with a group of 30+ artists and activists from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the US—including Fulana.
Its aim was to make visible the (then invisibilized) xenophobia and discrimination faced daily by Central American migrants and refugees in Mexico. Launched in January 2018, #Somoselmuro presents a group of ultra-right, pro-Trump’s wall Mexicans who propose to turn Mexico into a giant human border. The video and the song ask, “What part of the wall are you?” and remind you that “By doing nothing, you’re also part of the wall.”
The video went viral in October 2018 (1.2 million views in the first 2 days, 2.6 million views within the first week), as the migrant Caravan was making its way from Honduras to Mexico, when Canal 6 Honduras ripped the video and reported it as real on their Facebook platform. Honduran website El Pulso, upon finding out the video was a satirical action, interviewed a group of us to report on the project’s intentions. WNYC’s On the Media also produced a segment on #SomosElMuro and the role of satire on the internet in this day and age.
Website: http://www.somoselmuro.com.mx [for English version, switch to "English" in the main menu]
Twitter & FB: @SomosElMuroMx